Safety First: India organic lab testing, South Korea safety warnings, FSANZ added sugar definition and more feature in our round-up

Organic ownership: India food authority orders upgrades for all state labs to boost exports
The Food Safety and Standards Authority India (FSSAI) is attempting to balance plans for boost organic food exports with ongoing food safety concerns by mandating all state-authorised laboratories to adopt organic testing capabilities.
FSSAI had initiated strategies to improve organic standards and governance in India in June this year, but reinforced this order in the third quarter amidst continuing public concern over adulterated organic products in the market.
Autumn apprehensions: South Korea issues food safety warnings for fresh foods and rice rolls in ‘high-risk’ fall season
The South Korean government has issued food safety warnings for the consumption of fresh foods and rice rolls (gimbap) amidst the ‘high-risk’ autumn season between September to November, citing traditionally high counts of food poisoning cases occurring during this period.
Fresh foods such as raw vegetables and eggs as are very commonly used to make gimbap rice rolls in South Korea, either by food manufacturers, retailers or consumers themselves at home, and are considered a major traditional food staple.
Sweet complexities: ANZ ministers want clearer definition of ‘added sugars’ ahead of labelling policy changes
Australian and New Zealand ministers responsible for the region’s food industry have called for clearer definitions for the term ‘added sugars’.
The ministers convened as part of the quarterly Food Ministers’ Meeting on food regulation and policy matters, where a major topic of discussion was the inclusion of ‘added sugars’ information in on-pack nutrition information panels.
Although the meeting generally agreed on the need for such information to be included, concerns were voiced over stating volumes in a quantified manner.
GM foods in South Korea: Government calls for ‘scientific input only’ in new public consultation for three food items
The South Korean government has opened three food safety reports on genetically modified soybean, corn and canola for public comment, with the caveat that all opinions submitted must be ‘based on science and logic’ or risk being ignored.
Genetically modified (GM) foods and agricultural crops have yet to see acceptance in South Korea despite extensive research on many items from rice to peppers to lettuce, likely due to ongoing consumer pushback.
Thailand prepackaged food labelling: New rules proposed for expiry dates and allergen warnings
Thailand could be set to revamp its rules around expiration dates and allergen warnings after regulator Thai Food and Drug Association (FDA) issued draft proposals for prepackaged foods
In lieu with multiple other countries in Asia from Vietnam to South Korea, the Thai food regulatory authority has embarked on a course to improve its labelling regulations to align with international standards.