The best of both worlds: Eu Yan Sang on complementing TCM with health supplements and Western medicines

Singapore-headquartered Eu Yan Sang is well-known in Southeast Asia and North Asia markets such as Hong Kong for its TCM products across general wellbeing and women’s health.
Health supplements from US supplement brand Thorne were made available via Eu Yan Sang's e-commerce website in Singapore recently.
Examples of these products include nicotinamide riboside (NR) product NiaCel 400, microbiome products Prebiotic+, FloraSport 20B, as well as sleep support products Melaton-5 and Sleep+.
This is however, not the first time for the company in offering products that are not considered TCM but could complement its existing offerings.
In Malaysia for example, the company is selling a wider range of products, including tonic drinks and breakfast cereal.
As part of its effort in marrying Chinese and Western medical practices, the company also launched its One Wellness Medical clinics across Singapore.
The clinics comprise of both Western medical practitioners and TCM physicians to provide consumers with integrative medicine advice for both acute and chronic health conditions.
“Obviously our core has always been TCM and we are not going to move away from that.
"We are pioneers in the market where you can go into our One Wellness Clinic and we can offer you the best of both worlds. As a whole business, we want to demystify TCM, we want to put TCM on an important position where it can complement Western medicines or Western clinics," Dominic Wong, Group CEO at Eu Yan Sang International told NutraIngredients-Asia.
Consumer education
Although the company is offering a wider range of products and services, Wong said that consumer education and professional advice still played a crucial role in helping consumers understand the types of products required.
“It's very important for us to educate our consumers on when to take what, and how much to take, as well as instances on when should consumers take an herb or a concoction of herbs. And if they are taking Western medicines, how can they complement the two and whether they could take them together.
“This is something that we advise our consumers on. We don't want to be too liberal on consumers just taking in anything,” he explained.