Black women have, on average, lower DHA omega-3 levels and higher risk of preterm birth, but high dose supplementation with DHA may reduce the risk of preterm birth and early preterm birth, says a new study.
Chinese consumers have a huge and growing appetite for supplements and functional foods, leading many manufacturers to consider international expansion, but strict and confusing routes to market can make this an all too costly endeavour.
Intake of α-linolenic acid (ALA) during pregnancy may stabilise maternal mental health, with high levels of maternal blood ALA lined with the mitigation of psychological distress, a new study reports.
China dairy giant Junlebao believes that the concentration of a specific variant of DHA molecules – the sn-2 DHA – plays a crucial role in the absorption and efficacy of infant formulas, and has called for industry collaboration to increase understanding...
It is more important to focus on providing the best benefits, and not fall into the trap of innovating with new ingredients for the novelty factor, when developing new nutrition products for infants, says the global R&D head for VMS / Nutrition Health...
Clinical therapy aimed at increasing erythrocyte n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) represents a “promising strategy for breast cancer prevention,” say researchers.
A comprehensive new meta-analysis underpins previous evidence and adds further credence to the positive impact of omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) on high blood pressure (BP).
Fish oil supplementation has shown to lower blood pressure increase in seniors, but no significant improvement was seen in cognitive health, according to a 12-month RCT conducted in New Zealand.
The maternal health dietary supplements category is diversifying with the introduction of products containing probiotics and algal oil DHA – although multivitamins and folic acid remain the mainstays.
Omega-3 consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in Asian populations, but there is no evidence to support the claim among North Americans or Europeans.
Australia’s Free Spirit Group has added an infant and young child product to its megaOmega brand of algae oil supplements, providing 250mg of DHA and 2.5mg of EPA per serving (0.5mL).
Singapore fortified egg firm NuYolk, which goes beyond the traditional addition of omega-3 to include asataxanthin, selenium and a range of vitamins, is planning to conduct clinical studies to validate their benefits.
Omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are commonly associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), but new research highlights how the ratio of EPA to DHA matter in influencing different...
Japanese maternal and infant nutrition company Bean Stalk Snow and dairy firm Megmilk Snow Brand have found that the routine use of DHA supplements and adequate intake of dietary DHA from grilled fish can considerably increase the amount of DHA in breast...
A research partnership between Australian biotech firm Pharmamark and national research agency CSIRO is exploring the use of omega-3 from sea microorganisms for infant and general nutrition.
Japan’s Ise Foods, known for being the first firm to retail eggs with a food with function claim (FFC) has announced intentions to expand its business in Asia.
Consuming high dose of EPA improves attention in ADHD children, according to a study jointly conducted by King’s College London and China Medical University in Taiwan.
A new lab partnership will help drive omega-3s research in the Asia Pacific region, according to OmegaQuant, a firm that has developed a simple blood test to measure levels of these important nutrients.
A database that includes 4,000-plus clinical trials on EPA and DHA omega-3s will help companies with claims substantiation, and provide ready access to significant scientific data to counter negative consumer media articles, says GOED’s executive director.
Read about the latest research findings from Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Australia on athletes' gut health, the link between high-GI foods and diabetes, DHA and citicoline's cognitive effects, and microalgae's functional food potential
Japanese researchers have found that Cognizin Citicoline in combination with DHA, can improve learning and memory ability in mice which have been subjected to stroke symptoms.
Australian health and wellness firm Keep It Cleaner has launched another 12 products under its Bambini range of baby food and snacks, all of which feature DHA-enriched formulations.
Continuing research into a genetically engineered canola source of omega-3 has promised plant-derived EPA and DHA on par with fatty acids from fish and algae.
Omega-3 fats delivered using a proprietary self-micro-emulsifying system may be more bioavailable to the human body than the standard ethyl ester formulation, according to a new study funded by Pharmavite.
Results from an omega-3 study found a positive link between treatment using EPA and cardiovascular outcomes. It was backed by pharmaceutical company Amarin, which enjoyed a 300% surge in shares after the study results were announced.
An ongoing multi-country study led by the Public Health Foundation of India is trying to determine if maternal DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) supplementation may have beneficial effects on neurodevelopment in the offspring during its first 1,000 days of life.
Among dietary ingredients, carotenoids are the most visible players in eye health. But omega-3s play a key role as well, said a federally funded researcher who specializes in the topic.